Monday, September 15, 2008

While golfing....

For those of you who don't know, I play golf :) And yes, I actually really love playing. Many people find the sport to be boring, but I just love it!! One of my classes at Memorial is golf. (Yes, I get a grade for it too :) Practice is hard-core. We play a round about 2 times a week, and the other two days we are out on the range, putting, and chipping. We are out on the course from 2:30-5 every day. I'm tellin' ya, it's got to be the longest hour of the day ;)

Today we were out on the course today, and I wasn't playing too well. I was on a hole right next to the main road, about to make my approach shot to the green. Now I'm thinking about where my hit should go, because I can try to go in between the trees or go around and risk getting in the water. So I decide to take my chances with the trees. I'm concentrating, because one wrong move and I can end up far from where I need it to be. I line it up, take my back swing annnnnnddd...


You can only imagine what happened. I jumped because that was the last thing on my mind, topping the ball and it going slightly in the wrong direction.

A word to the wise. It is very annoying when people honk while going by the golf course. Believe it or not, they are actually concentrating and trying to improve on things. So next time when you are thinking about honking the horn, remember: you are about to upset someone with a club made out of iron and titanium and a pocket full of golf balls. I'm sure you would hate to find your car beaten up windows broke by a "stray ball". Just remember that ;)


Mandy said...

Nice :) well I don't enjoy golf, but I'm not very good at it either :)

Jacob said...


But me and forrest were having a conversation about that last weekend because that happened to him and it was someone he knew that did it! lol...

That sucks though.

and as for the boring side of it, I think it's pretty fun to play but to watch... It's gotta be the most boring sport in the world.

Jordan Garrett said...

hahaha, yeah..I hate watching it too.....unless I'm actually there...and if Tiger Woods is playing then EVERYTHING changes lol.