Monday, September 22, 2008

Look out!

Just a quick reminder for everyone out there, It's MRSA season yet again. There is a case at Memorial right now, so prayer would be much appreciated.

MRSA (in case you didn't know) is a staff infection that basically eats your skin. Nothing drastic like what you would expect to see in the movies but close enough right?

Just pray for me, I have two pretty big cut-like things on my legs from tripping at church :) It seems to be the only place I ever get hurt at lol. ( the funny thing was that I tripped over nothing and practically fell on my face. I bet they saved the security camera of it just because it's so epic :) ( I bet the show it at SWITCH.......oh dear....)

Anyway, be sure to wash hands and all that good stuff.....I know I wouldn't want something to be eating me.


Mandy said...

I remember when that happened last year! Scary stuff.

Jacob said...

hmm I love how you started out on one subject and then went completely into another one... lol.

Will be praying though! that would suck if something ate you. lol.

A. Lusey said...

Readin this, I'm laughing.. about MRSA.. hahaha.. woah :)

Jordan Garrett said...

mandy- yeah its scary!!!

jacob-....i don't see where i changed subjects....but oh well :)it would definatly suck if something ate me.

alyssa- hahaha, yeah i have no idea why im laughing i don't get it lol.