Friday, October 10, 2008

Worth It.

You open a door into a dark room made of concrete. The smell of age almost knocks you to the ground, but you're on a mission. Dirt and dust covers the once white walls and ground. The lone light in the chamber dimly shines, illuminating the spiderwebs that you wanted to pretend didn't exist.

You step into the center of the room, avoiding the tools and wood lying around. In the corner is a lone, rusty ladder. Up you climb...
finally you poke through to another level of the chamber. You are about 14 feet off the ground.....
You step onto the ledge, off the ladder, and carefully cross to the other side where another ladder stands. You think to yourself, as one of your companions follows you, will this hold us? Will it come off the wall?
You continue up. Another level.

And another

And another

And another

And another

And another

And finally, you reach the last set. There is no light, so you feel around to find the ladder. The room is only 3 feet wide. You have to reach the top.

You climb to the top, and your friend follows. There is a latch; you have finally found the ceiling. You undo the top and lift it up...

You come to find that even though you have just climbed 8 stories, you feel no pain. The darkness you just left is replaced by the unimaginable sight of a sunset. You can see everything from the top. And what's better? You are looking out the top of a cross :)

Sometimes battling through the hard, grimy, dark time is worth it in the end. In fact, I guarantee it is.

If you ever get a chance to climb to the top, do NOT hesitate, even if you are afraid of heights.

Yeah, be jealous :D ( I have pictures on my phone....I'll show you sometime!)


Jacob said...

Haha! I am...

When did you do that?

Taylor Hale said...

Just because I blogged about it first doesn't make mine better... Great descriptopn! :)

Jordan Garrett said...

I did it on wednesday!!!! FUN! if you haven't done it DO IT! gosh it's great.....

another reason to stay at edmond....jkkk haha <3 :)