Wednesday, October 1, 2008

NCHO...among other music

I just thought that I would give an update on the NCHO music! (North Central Honor Orchestra tryouts which I posted a blog about a few months ago that I was really concerned about and wasn't able to play but knowing I can do all things through Christ!)

Well, it's safe to say that I can finally play all of it, all the way through, no mess ups, major out-of-tuness, squealing on high "in position" notes, rhymically pretty good, have all the scales memorized [ C, G, D, E, F, Eb, Bb, and Ab two octive) and make it sound fairly pretty :)

I remember that I was really worried about not being able to learn it in time and pretty much bomb the tryout like last year, but I feel confident! I kept the thought "I can do all thing through Christ who gives me strength" in my head, and through months and months of practice, horray! I'm finally ready.

The tryout is next week; please pray for me!

On another note (haha) I have finally found my favorite piece of music of all time for the cello, and I'm learning to play it. It's the Prelude to Bach's Suite Number 1. You have probably heard it before, you just don't know it's called that. You should look it up on YouTube, it's really good! (I would go with a Yo-Yo Ma version....he makes it his own)

Are you doing anything soon that you are excited about? Anything needing prayer?


Jacob said...

hmm.... orch dork... haha jk sorta.

I'll be praying for ya!

Jordan Garrett said...

annnd proud of it!!! lol
